Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Trip to Tahoe - Day 1

We decided it would be fun to take a trip to the snow for a long weekend. We loaded everybody in the car and headed to Tahoe last weekend to play and have some fun.

On Friday after we arrived we got everybody in their gear and headed out to the backyard Here is a picture of the kids first learning to walk in snow - Notice both of their positions!

Here is a video from Friday's playtime - Allie was having a tough time due to NO nap

Here is a picture of Em and Mamma - after Mamma rescued Em from the Snow :)

And Em and Sally checking out the yard

The view of our backyard

After we went inside Dadda built a fire and Mamma was making dinner, so the girls entertained themselves - whatever works!

Here is Dadda and his big girl just before bed after a LONG day

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