Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Springtime!!

This weekend we decided to start preparing for Spring since it seems to have sprung outside.

We pulled out all of Allie's 'new' clothes (that were supplied by Em when she was this age) and we also went out shopping for a few clothes to fill Em's drawers for the Spring and hopefully Summer.

Since we were cleaning house Mamma decided to take the girls for a little trim of the hair while Dadda stayed home to do some chores.

Em before

Em after

Allie before

Allie after

Both Girls before

And after


Spring has sprung and the kids (and mom) had spring fever, so we decided to get out of the house for a few hours while dadda took care of some errands he needed to do.

We had beautiful weather and we got to see a lot of wild life during the trip - the girls loved it and so did mom!

We ventured to local county park that has a somewhat easy waterfall trail that we have been wanting to see.

Posing for a picture at the first waterfall

Mom even got in a shot

Along the way we stop to enjoy the waterfalls and skip some rocks

As we were heading back to the car we saw a few 'friends' on the trail - think we startled them more then they startled us!

And on the road home we saw this pretty guy hanging with his chicks!