Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Picnic 2009

We had a picnic at the park with Gammie, Auntie Jen, Uncle Steve and cousin Madi later in the day - the girls did a great job of playing nicely and wearing themselves out!

Chasing some bubbles

All the girls playing

Time out to pose for a picture

Waiting for Uncle Steve to get the kite going

The adults enjoying the quiet time

Em scores a goal!!

Allie finding another use for the balls

Easter Morning 2009

The Easter bunny came by this year and left some baskets for the girls - they were very excited to find all their treasures - the smiles plastic bracelets and new socks bring!

After the basket and breakfast fun it was time to get all dressed up in the new Easter dresses!


And Em

Smile for a jelly bean - LOVE bribery!

Giving sissy a kiss


I was just looking and thinking - what a difference a year makes

Easter 2008

Easter 2009