Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Month...

Here is a snapshot of a little playtime at our house - dress up is so much fun!!

Well it's been about a month since I posted - sorry for the lag, but it's been a bit of a crazy month.

The big news in our house was that Miss Em started preschool last month. We had started to look at them for maybe a start date in January, but there was an opening at the preschool on campus with Mamma, so we took the opportunity and enrolled her. She goes two days a week and had a little tough time transitioning - it was hard for her to go from a daycare where she has been for 3 years to a new school where she doesn't know anybody and isn't the ring leader! She has since made a little friend and it's getting easier to drop her off. She still goes to daycare on Mondays and Wednesday with Allie Oop - which she still loves!