Saturday, September 13, 2008


Allie just started walking last month and we realized a lot of people haven't actually seen it, so we tried to capture it this morning just after breakfast :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Allie Bug

Yesterday Allie went down for her nap EARLY - normally she is up til 1 or 2, but at 11.30 she was FUSSY so I kept her up screaming and crying until 12 and was DONE. Usually the girls don't eat after naps because then they won't eat dinner, but this is how Allie approached me when I held a banana (I gave in and gave it to her!)

Last night I told Allie to get her book for her bedtime story - this is what she did (guess she doesn't need me to read to her anymore!)


I was trying to get a good picture of the girls together - so hard when Pablo or Dora is on the tv

What are YOU looking at??

Silly Faces

When Em went back to daycare after the two week vacation she got to take her naps on the BIG girl mats downstairs (instead of a pack and play upstairs) - One day she was NOT laying down and resting and Colista told her she would have to go upstairs to nap. Colista heard noises upstairs so she went to peek on Em and she was making silly faces at herself in the mirror! It was all Colsita could do to get out of there without cracking up (like I did when she told me!)

That evening I asked Em to make her silly faces for me and this is what I got

Summers End...

Labor day weekend was spent enjoying the last bit of summer. It has been a summer of lots of fun and many adventures and some stepping stones for our family.

We spent a lot of time as a family since Jim is now off every Saturday. It was fun to get into the habit of going to the farmer's market every Saturday morning for fresh veggies and fruit and tasty sticky buns!

Em mastered her potty training this summer - we had it down to just nap and night time pull ups, but in July decided enough and went for the full thing. She did great - we had a few weeks of middle of the night peeps, but once she realized that EVERYBODY gets up in the middle of the night to peeps and poops, she was good to go! She reminds me of this almost every time that I catch her in the bathroom doing her business - still makes me smile! We are really proud of her for being a BIG girl and tell her that every day!

Allie decided she was ready to FINALLY start walking! She was taking steps here and there, but the first day back to daycare after the two week vacation, she was walking full time! We are excited about it because it's a whole new chapter in our book!

Here is Allie walking around with her purse.

We got down to the beach this past weekend and dragged Gammie along, since Dadda was at work. She all dug in the sand and had a nice time, until we had too much of the sand flies and decided to grab sandwiches from a local bakery and have a picnic on the lawn! Both girls really had a nice time and I tried to remember why we don't do it more!

Gammie and Em

Gammie and Allie

This summer we had a lot of barbecues and swimming in the backyard with the blow up pool! Both girls can finally enjoy almost all the activities we have set up for them in the backyard. Allie already thinks she is a big kid so she really does try to keep up - and then we hear the cries ... Sorry honey, are still a little too small for that. Next year...

Em enjoying the last barbecue of summer (even though we barbecue all year!)